Katharine Miller played a communication game with the club. She took the Toastmaster’s test to find out her communication style, but she won’t tell us what it was. Instead she described three future vacations that she wished to take, some just with her husband and some with the entire family. When she finished her descriptions she asked us to guess her style, and it was simple for the club to figure out. The Initiating Communicator is sociable, enthusiastic, and persuasive … and that’s Katharine!

Judy Dugan is learning about social media. She owns a greeting card business and wanted to not just dip her toes, but take the plunge into social media. Judy took a class in Instagram, and has found out that there is much to learn. She talked about hashtags, posts, and stories. She asked us if we knew about Canva and Planoly. She has learned how to edit videos and light photos. I’m sure she will be successful at her goal, which is to have an attractive, engaging, and professional looking feed.