This was a four speech week with no table topics

Robert Schluter is the founder of Element 1, which produces hydrogen generators and fuel cells. He gave us a quick chemistry lesson. Element 1’s core competency is developing scalable, very low cost, hydrogen generators designed to support a range of applications including fuel cell backup power systems and hydrogen refueling stations.

We all have habits, the trick is to replace bad habits with good habits. Eileen McLellan spoke on the power of habits. Every habit consists of three parts, a cue, a routine, and a reward. Identify the cue of a habit that you want to change, then change the routine and the reward associated with that cue. If the cue suddenly has an unattractive reward, then the routine becomes less appealing. Take control of your life. Make new positive habits and change your life.

Cheri Redgrave is our VP of Public Relations, and as such, our club blogger. She talked about her Toastmaster officer training in Portland, and how she was encouraged to look at her officer position as the Chief Club Storyteller.

Clayton Horn told us a tall tale – and most of us believed him! Given our clubs 32 years, he talked about changes to the club and officers, and needing to find a new club meeting location. He gave each club officer a task, and then at the end revealed that it was all a hoax.