This was a three speech week with no table topics
An Online Meeting

The sad story of Francis and Franklin. Cheri Redgrave told us the true story of a goose and turkey. The turkey, Franklin, was in love with Francis at first sight. Why wouldn't he? Francis had a silky with coat with beautiful blue eyes. Cheri told how these two ended up at her place and how Francis never warmed up to Franklin's advances. This was part of the Engaging Humor Pathway, and it was Cheri's job to tell a humorous story.

Joe Nickleson is an expert in referral branding. He shared with us the importance of creating a brand, having your face in the brand, and then having your customers become the source of your referrals. The marketing world is ever-evolving, and you need a brand that reflects your business and creates brand advocates among your customers. Joe used a technique new to our group, with a split screen so that we could see his pitch as well as his materials.

Marcia Eldredge tripped across a group of youths working on a project, operating large machinery. She stopped to chat with them, and found out that they were members of The Heart of Oregon Corps. This organization provides vocational training and continuing education to youth ages 16-24 who are not in school or employed. Their goal is to create pathways out of poverty for youth and encourage their self-sufficiency.